Specialists in vessels, components and road
tankers for the dairy and food industry.


We know dairy like we know steel. After decades working with the New Zealand dairy farming industry as NDA Dairy, all of our specialised skills are now concentrated within Tīra NDA.

You name it, we make it with pride.

What we offer

We design, engineer and manufacture the best steel processing, storage and transport equipment for the particular needs of the dairy industry. Installation and refurbishment isn’t a problem either – we do it all with care and precision.

What we offer


  • Cheese machines
  • Water Storage & Filtration tanks
  • Pipework and mechanical installation services
  • Evaporators
  • Pressure vessels
  • Process vessels
  • Columns
  • Reactors
  • Dryers
  • Storage Tanks
  • Road tankers
  • Weld preparation equipment
  • Tube and Pipe cutting equipment


We offer full in-house, mechanical design and drafting services.

Using design software, including COMPRESS, and our own specially developed design models, we can design:

  • Pressure vessels and heat exchangers in compliance with current design codes including AS1210, ASME VIII, and TEMA
  • Storage tanks to API650, API620 and AS1692
  • Vessel loadings to AS/NZS 1170 including seismic design loadings to NZS 1170.5

Case Studies

Central Transport – innovation by the truckload

The Brief

New Zealand dairy company, Miraka, needed to collect and transport large volumes of milk safely and efficiently from farm to factory – for processing at their state-of-the-art facility at Mokai, Central North Island.

The Issue

Transport is not Miraka’s core business, so transport and logistics company, Central Transport Ltd (CTL) was contracted to manage the logistics of efficiently collecting and transporting this valuable commodity from 104 local farms. This required specialised equipment to collect milk from farms, transport and deliver it safely, while complying with stringent food safety requirements.

The Solution

Tīra NDA worked collaboratively with the CTL team to develop and deliver milk transport truck and trailer units specific to their needs to meet the high standards demanded by Miraka.

Our design included innovative features such as the drop belly, centre draining trailer unit, which allows for lower COG and enhances trailer performance and safety. The truck units were equipped with the latest technology in milk metering and sampling systems, ensuring full traceability of product from farm to factory.

Fonterra New Zealand – transport that performs all the way

The Brief

As New Zealand’s largest milk supplier, Fonterra have an ongoing requirement for safe, efficient transportation of milk from farm to factory, or between their various processing plants.

The Issues

Fonterra’s requirements are very specific; an immense amount of valuable milk has to travel for long distances on rural roads, so its transportation units need to be up to the task.

The Solution

Over the years, NDA has worked collaboratively with Fonterra to develop a design for its milk transport units that meet its particular needs. We’ve developed innovative features such as the ‘drop belly’ and the centre-draining trailer unit, which allows for lower COG and enhances trailer performance and safety.

A very big cheese – innovation for the US market

The Brief

NDA was engaged by IDS to manufacture an eight-tonne-per-hour CheddarMaster™ cheese machine for delivery to Mullins Cheese in Mosinee, Wisconsin, USA.

The Issues

Fully assembled, the CheddarMaster™ machine was nearly 40 metres long, 6.2 metres wide and nearly 9 metres at its highest point, requiring fabrication and transport in three separate sections and final assembly on site. The machine needed to be manufactured to meet stringent USDA requirements.

The Solution

Tīra NDA worked closely with the IDS design team to develop practical, innovative and efficient fabrication details as part of the manufacturing methodology. Tīra NDA’s significant workshop capacity and resources meant the machine could be fabricated in separate sections and pre-assembled in the workshop – before dismantling and packaging for shipping to the USA. Attention to detail and our excellent quality systems ensured we could meet all requirements of the USDA quality standards.


    Tīra NDA


    Phone: +64 7 849 2979

    Email: enquiries@tira.co.nz